Open Access Website Workflow

A workflow that generates the data for the COKI Open Access Website and uploads the data to a Google Cloud Storage bucket, which is used to build the Next.js web application. Each time the workflow runs successfully a repository dispatch event is created, this event triggers the Github actions responsible for building the web application.

+——————————+————————————–+ | Summary | | +==============================+======================================+ | Frequency | Default: @weekly | +——————————+————————————–+ | Runs on remote worker | Default: False | +——————————+————————————–+ | Catchup missed runs | Default: False | +——————————+————————————–+ | Credentials Required | Yes | +——————————+————————————–+ | Uses Workflow Template | Workflow | +——————————+————————————–+

The figure below illustrates the generated data and notes about what each file is used for.

    ├── data: data
    │   ├── index.json: used by the Cloudflare Worker search and filtering API.
    │   ├── autocomplete.json: used for the website search functionality. Copied into public/data folder.
    │   ├── country: individual entity statistics files for countries. Used to build each country page.
    │   │   ├── ALB.json
    │   │   ├── ARE.json
    │   │   └── ARG.json
    │   ├── country.json: used to create the country table. First 18 countries used to build first page of country table
    │   │                 and then this file is included in the public folder and downloaded by the client to enable the
    │   │                 other pages of the table to be displayed. Copied into public/data folder.
    │   ├── institution: individual entity statistics files for institutions. Used to build each institution page.
    │   │   ├── 05ykr0121.json
    │   │   ├── 05ym42410.json
    │   │   └── 05ynxx418.json
    │   ├── institution.json: used to create the institution table. First 18 institutions used to build first page of institution table
    │   │                     and then this file is included in the public folder and downloaded by the client to enable the
    │   │                     other pages of the table to be displayed. Copied into public/data folder.
    │   └── stats.json: global statistics, e.g. the minimum and maximum date for the dataset, when it was last updated etc.
    └── logos: country and institution logos. Copied into public/logos folder.
        ├── country
        │   ├── l: large logos displayed on country pages.
        │   │   ├── ALB.svg
        │   │   ├── ARE.svg
        │   │   └── ARG.svg
        │   └── s: small logos displayed in country table.
        │       ├── ALB.svg
        │       ├── ARE.svg
        │       └── ARG.svg
        └── institution
            ├── l: large logos displayed on institution pages.
            │   ├── 05ykr0121.jpg
            │   ├── 05ym42410.jpg
            │   └── 05ynxx418.jpg
            └── s: small logos displayed in institution table.
                ├── 05ykr0121.jpg
                ├── 05ym42410.jpg
                └── 05ynxx418.jpg

Airflow Variables

In the config.yaml file, the following Airflow variables are required.


The name of the Google Cloud Storage bucket where the data will be uploaded.

When you create the bucket, enable object versioning to keep previous releases.

Airflow Connections

In the config.yaml file, the following Airflow connections are required.


The Github PAT token that is used to send repository dispatch events.

Create a new Github user account and give it write permissions to the coki-oa-web repository.

To create the Github PAT, in the new user account, go to: Settings > Developer Settings > Person access tokens and Generate new token.

Give the token the public_repo permission.